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LDmicro Forum - improve simulation

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improve simulation (by gilles galopier)

I'm trying to modify the simulation module.
I'm using the JTagIce MKII from atmel , and find how to read or write the memory of the µC with the JTAG protocol.

But I have trouble to locate the memory address of the internal variable generated by the compiler.

The purpose of the modification is to have "live" visualization of the IO and variable directly from de code running on the target.

Best regards

Tue May 11 2010, 04:34:59
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
The microcontroller addresses for an integer or bit variable may be obtained with the functions MemForSingleBit() and MemForVariable().
Tue May 11 2010, 10:39:27
(no subject) (by gilles galopier)
Thanks for your answers.

Tue May 11 2010, 10:59:22
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