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help (by Magno Medeiros- Brasil)
Hi, please I help people! is it possible for me to use pic12f675 without crystal oscillator? so that the 6 pins are available. I would like to use 3 inputs and 3 outputs as the program shows.
thank you very much!
Thu Aug 8 2019, 09:38:34, download attachment teste 12f675.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
I think it should work with the config settings 3fc4 but you also need to set the Xtal to 4Mhz.
Thu Aug 8 2019, 10:02:05
(no subject) (by MGP)
But remember GPIO's = PortB what means that the internal resistors are on (I think)
Thu Aug 8 2019, 10:05:02
Magno Medeiros- Brasil (by paulino)
prueba con este LDMicro que te adjunto.

Try this LDMicro that I attached.

Try this LDMicro that I attached. and look at the data set the next paragraph to change the bits.
This is the address: # 0x90
these are the bits that you have to change I do it with hexadecimal: 0xfc OSCCAL Register
The Oscillator Calibration register (OSCCAL) is used to
calibrate the internal 4 MHz oscillator. It contains 6 bits
to adjust the frequency up or down to achieve 4 MHz.
The OSCCAL register bits are shown in Register 2-7.
Thu Aug 8 2019, 13:17:37, download attachment teste12f675.ld
(no subject) (by MGP)
No need to do this, it's factory calibrated to 1% and if you use INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT (config 0x3fc4) then you can not measure the clock.
Thu Aug 8 2019, 13:41:28, download attachment 675_4Mhz.jpg
help (by Magno Medeiros- Brasil)
Hello friends, I want to thank everyone who responded! thank you very much. when I put the ground resistors it worked perfectly! grateful to all !!!
Thu Aug 8 2019, 14:25:29
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