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LDmicro Forum - PWM output signal how to feed it back into the ladder for further processing

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PWM output signal how to feed it back into the ladder for further processing (by Ziggy)
As the title says...

How to take the PWM output signal and feed it back into the ladder diagram without actually linking the PWM output pin to a digital input pin with a piece of wire?
Thu Jul 25 2019, 20:03:53
(no subject) (by MGP)
LDmicro is too slow for processing, even if you were able to.
Try using a wire and see how fast everything is, if you use a wire or software, the processing speed remains dependent on the cycle time.

Let see: cycletime 0.2mS
Dutycycle 0 - 100% = 0.2mS x 100 = 0.02s or 50Hz max. PWM frequency you can workt with.
Fri Jul 26 2019, 02:46:42
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