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LDmicro Forum - Associate the value read from an ADC as the value of a timer

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Associate the value read from an ADC as the value of a timer (by Pierluigi Filios)
I need to associate the value read from an ADC (reading a potentiometer) the time to give to a timer.
How can I do?
Fri Jul 24 2015, 04:12:19
(no subject) (by MGP)
You cannot do that.

Use a counter and compare the adc value with the counter(cycle time).
Fri Jul 24 2015, 08:53:21
(no subject) (by Pierluigi Filios)
So I have to make a time-based counter cycle (10mS), count it and compare with the value of the ADC, is that correct?
Fri Jul 24 2015, 11:24:04
(no subject) (by Pierluigi Filios)
And how do i take the clock of the counter by the sliding of the cycles?
Fri Jul 24 2015, 11:34:30
(no subject) (by MGP)
Here you have a basic example.
Fri Jul 24 2015, 15:14:46
(no subject) (by MGP)
Sorry, here the LD file
Fri Jul 24 2015, 15:16:10, download attachment Timer.ld
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