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LDmicro Forum - Lcd serial

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Lcd serial (by Ananda mohini)
Regards dears, please if anyone may help me. I'would like to use a serial lcd with my PIC, but in the ld micro program, i used that math operation, and i would like to send the result of the math operation to the lcd display. How can i do that? do i need to create a string?
Thank u so much all, my best regards

Olá queridos, quem puder, por gentileza me ajudar. Eu preciso ligar um display de forma serial, usando o ld micro (ladder), estou usando o PIC. no meu programa eu usei uma operação matemática e queria colcoar o resultado no display. Como faço?? alguém sabe? será que preciso criar aquela string do UART? mas como conecto isto num pino externo?
Muito obrigada a todos!
Thu May 1 2014, 22:52:57
(no subject) (by MGP)
Look at the HELP file in LDmicro (press F1 in LDmicro).
You can use "formatted string over uart"
No need to create a string, Ldmicro does all the work.

Or download Samples.zip in this thread..
Fri May 2 2014, 07:11:40
(no subject) (by slim)
please I need to know if their is a Chinese version of serial LCD easy to hook up to LD micro,like that of crystalfons serial LCD.
Mon Jun 30 2014, 20:39:12
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