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LDmicro Forum - Just a silly question: How to debug the application?

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Just a silly question: How to debug the application? (by Xavier)

Finally I was able to compile and link the application. I'm used to debug using GDB, but for this project I need to use the "cdb" debugger, don't I?

Is that correct? I have no clue how to use it =) I tried it, but it not only slows my machine severely, but also I couldn't set breakpoints 'cause .sym file missing, so it might no be the correct way.

I also tried to port the application to VS6 in order to debug from inside the IDE, but sadly I failed.

Any advices?
Fri Sep 28 2012, 20:43:05
(no subject) (by Xavier)
I still can't be able to debug, however, it isnt' hard as it sounds, so I'm using "printfs" for tracking the code.
Wed Oct 3 2012, 19:42:11
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