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LDmicro Forum - error

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error (by simon)
I have 3 errors and i can't finish my program .
How can i solve the problem ?
Thank you
Thu Aug 25 2011, 15:02:10, download attachment Desktop.zip
(no subject) (by Jonathan Westhues)
That's not good; that's an internal error, that corresponds to either a bug with LDmicro or (very unlikely) a problem with your hardware or operating system. Can you post the .ld file?
Sat Aug 27 2011, 01:38:36
(no subject) (by simon)
Now I know where the problem was. Too many elements in subcircuit . But why not display this error last time?
Sat Aug 27 2011, 09:17:17, download attachment proiect automatizare serial.ld
(no subject) (by simon)
It happens when I delete the last item. View the movie
Sat Aug 27 2011, 09:21:51, download attachment 1234.zip
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