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LDmicro Forum - Display parallel using the ldmicro

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Display parallel using the ldmicro (by Jayme Conrado)
How to write on a display parallel using the ldmicro.

If possible I would appreciate an example.

Sat Aug 14 2010, 07:40:24
(no subject) (by Olivier)
You mean a Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD parallel display ?

with 4bits // data and E, RS, RW ctrl lines ?
Sat Aug 14 2010, 08:49:40
(no subject) (by jp_)
Sun Aug 15 2010, 08:57:54
Hitachi HD44780 compatible LCD parallel display (by BoumPower (Switzerland))
I see the thread....

Too complex and lot of PLC ressource lost for that...

I'm writing a new compiler for Ladder file... (see http://www.cq.cx/ladder-forum.pl?action=viewthread&parent=1359 ), I will include string output facilities (UART, LCD, ...) and I open the discussion :

what are the requested features ?

I propose output like fprintf() with formated variables

You can discuss at : https://sourceforge.net/projects/ldcompiler/forums/forum/1089797
Mon Aug 16 2010, 04:51:31
(no subject) (by Aldemir da Silva)
Jayme look this link..
procure nesse link..
Sun Aug 22 2010, 08:42:49
(no subject) (by Olivier Quirion)
i buy those kit for that. it save me a lot of programming and use less memory. these are a lot cheaper than crystal fontz and i just use his 16f648 preprogrammed ic with any standard parallel lcd.

Mon Aug 23 2010, 11:45:19
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