@echo off @rem This file is part of LDmicro project and must be located in same directory where LDmicro.exe located. cls REM EXE_PATH from where the ldmicro.exe and *.bat are executes SET EXE_PATH=%~dp0 @echo %EXE_PATH% = EXE_PATH @echo %1 = ISA @echo %2 = full filename '.ld' with the path @SET COMPILER=%3 @echo %COMPILER% = COMPILER @echo %4 = deviceName, target name @echo . . . :@echo %2 - full ld file name wit the path @echo %~nx2 - gives the file name without the path @echo %~d2 - gives the drive letter to LD @echo %~p2 - gives the path to LD @echo . . . :pause if "%COMPILER%" == "HI_TECH_C" goto HTC if "%1" == "PIC16" goto PIC if "%COMPILER%" == "AVRGCC" goto AVRGCC if "%1" == "AVR" goto AVR if "%COMPILER%" == "ARMGCC" goto ARMGCC if "%1" == "ARM" goto ARMGCC if "%1" == "" goto pauses goto NOT_SUPPORTED @rem ======================================================================= :AVR ::************************************************************************** ::Usage: avrdude.exe [options] ::Options: :: -p Required. Specify AVR device. :: -b Override RS-232 baud rate. :: -B Specify JTAG/STK500v2 bit clock period (us). :: -C Specify location of configuration file. :: -c Specify programmer type. :: -D Disable auto erase for flash memory :: -i ISP Clock Delay [in microseconds] :: -P Specify connection port. :: -F Override invalid signature check. :: -e Perform a chip erase. :: -O Perform RC oscillator calibration (see AVR053). :: -U :r|w|v:[:format] :: Memory operation specification. :: Multiple -U options are allowed, each request :: is performed in the order specified. :: -n Do not write anything to the device. :: -V Do not verify. :: -u Disable safemode, default when running from a script. :: -s Silent safemode operation, will not ask you if :: fuses should be changed back. :: -t Enter terminal mode. :: -E [,] List programmer exit specifications. :: -x Pass to programmer. :: -y Count # erase cycles in EEPROM. :: -Y Initialize erase cycle # in EEPROM. :: -v Verbose output. -v -v for more. :: -q Quell progress output. -q -q for less. :: -l logfile Use logfile rather than stderr for diagnostics. :: -? Display this usage. :: ::avrdude version 6.3, URL: ::************************************************************************** @rem *** Set up avrdude.exe path. *** @rem It may be: @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\01 - Programas Plc\Atmel\AVR-Gcc-8.2.0 @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\01 - Programas Plc\Arduino 1.8.0\hardware\tools\avr @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\WinAVR\bin\ @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\ @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\Program\Electronique\Ldmicro\ @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\AVRDUDE\BIN\ @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=C:\Users\nii\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avrdude\6.3.0-arduino9\bin\ SET AVRDUDE_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\ @rem *** Set up your avrdude config file. *** @rem SET AVRDUDE_CONF= @rem SET AVRDUDE_CONF=%AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.conf SET AVRDUDE_CONF=%AVRDUDE_PATH%..\etc\avrdude.conf @rem SET AVRDUDE_CONF=%ProgramFiles%\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\\etc\avrdude.conf @rem *** Set up your hardware avrdude programmer. *** @rem See avrdude.conf programmer id. @rem Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega328) is stk500 at 57600 baud rate @rem Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega168) is stk500 at 19200 baud rate @rem Uno(ATmega328) is stk500 at 115200 baud rate @rem Mega(ATMEGA1280) is stk500 at 57600 baud rate @rem Mega(ATMEGA2560) is stk500v2 at 115200 baud rate @rem "wiring" is Basically STK500v2 protocol, with some glue to trigger the arduino bootloader. @rem @rem Additionally, you can set the serial port number and baud rate. @rem -P Set the serial com port for the Arduino bootloader. @rem -b Set the baud rate for programmers. @rem Modify this: COMX BAUD @rem SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=dapa @rem SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=stk500 @rem SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=stk200s5 @rem SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=stk500v2 -P COM9 -b 115200 @rem SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=wiring -P COM3 -b 115200 SET AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID=wiring -P COM15 -b 115200 @rem *** Set up your avrdude Atmel Microcontroller. *** @rem See avrdude.conf part id. @rem ATmega8 is m8 @rem ATmega328P is m328p @rem ATmega32U4 is m32u4 @rem ATmega2560 is m2560 @rem ATmega32u4 is m32u4 @rem @rem Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega328) is m328p @rem Duemilanove/Nano(ATmega168) is m168 @rem Uno(ATmega328) is m328p @rem Mega(ATMEGA1280) is m1280 @rem Mega(ATMEGA2560) is m2560 @rem Leonardo is m32u4 @rem @rem SET AVRDUDE_PART_ID=m8 @rem SET AVRDUDE_PART_ID=m328p @rem SET AVRDUDE_PART_ID=m32u4 SET AVRDUDE_PART_ID=m2560 @rem *** Set up your avrdude options *** @rem SET AVRDUDE_OPTIONS=-y -D -v -E noreset, vcc @rem SET AVRDUDE_OPTIONS=-y -D -v -v -l readMcu.log SET AVRDUDE_OPTIONS=-D @rem *** Read eeprom before flashing. *** rem %AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.exe %AVRDUDE_CONF% %AVRDUDE_OPTIONS% -c %AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID% -p %AVRDUDE_PART_ID% -U eeprom:r:eeprom_read1:r @rem *** Flashing the AVR. *** @rem "%AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.exe" -C "%AVRDUDE_CONF%" %AVRDUDE_OPTIONS% -c %AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID% -p %AVRDUDE_PART_ID% -U flash:w:"%2.hex":a @rem "%AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.exe" -C "%AVRDUDE_CONF%" %AVRDUDE_OPTIONS% -c %AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID% -p %AVRDUDE_PART_ID% -U flash:w:"%2.hex":a "%AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.exe" -C "%AVRDUDE_CONF%" %AVRDUDE_OPTIONS% -c %AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID% -p %AVRDUDE_PART_ID% -U flash:w:"%2.hex":a @echo ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% if ERRORLEVEL==1 goto pauses @rem *** Read eeprom after flashing. *** rem %AVRDUDE_PATH%avrdude.exe %AVRDUDE_CONF% %AVRDUDE_OPTIONS% -c %AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_ID% -p %AVRDUDE_PART_ID% -U eeprom:r:eeprom_read2:r goto exit @rem ======================================================================= :AVRGCC ::************************************************************************** @echo on REM Compilation with avr-gcc @rem SET GCC_PATH=C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR-Gcc-8.2.0 @rem SET GCC_PATH=C:\Program Files\Atmel\Atmel Studio 6.0\extensions\Atmel\AVRGCC\\AVRToolchain SET GCC_PATH=D:\01 - Programas Plc\Atmel\AVR-Gcc-8.2.0 @rem SET GCC_PATH=D:\01 - Programas Plc\Arduino 1.8.0\hardware\tools\avr @rem SET GCC_PATH=D:\WinAVR @rem SET GCC_PATH=c:\WinAVR-20100110 @rem SET GCC_PATH=c:\avr-gcc-9.1.0-x64-mingw @rem SET GCC_PATH=c:\avr8-gnu-toolchain-win32_x86 SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\Programmation\Ladder\Programmes\Tests\Avr\AvrDude @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=D:\AVRDUDE @rem SET AVRDUDE_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Arduino\hardware\tools\avr\bin\ SET LIB_PATH=%EXE_PATH%LIBRARIES_FOR\AVR SET COMPORT=COM3 path %GCC_PATH%\BIN;%AVRDUDE_PATH%\BIN;%path% %~d2 chdir %~p2 REM Compilation of sources rmdir AVRGCC\obj /s /q rmdir AVRGCC\bin /s /q mkdir AVRGCC\obj mkdir AVRGCC\bin mkdir AVRGCC\lib if not exist AVRGCC\lib\UsrLib.c copy %LIB_PATH%\*.* AVRGCC\lib if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.hex > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.elf > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.cof > nul for %%F in (AVRGCC\lib\*.c) do avr-gcc.exe -I%~dp2 -IAVRGCC\lib\ -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -O1 -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -g2 -Wall -c -std=gnu99 -MD -MP -mmcu=%4 -MF AVRGCC\obj\%%~nF.d -MT AVRGCC\obj\%%~nF.d -MT AVRGCC\obj\%%~nF.o %%F -o AVRGCC\obj\%%~nF.o :pause avr-gcc.exe -IAVRGCC\lib\ -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -O1 -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -g2 -c -std=gnu99 -MD -MP -mmcu=%4 -MF AVRGCC\obj\%~nx2.d -MT AVRGCC\obj\%~nx2.d -MT AVRGCC\obj\%~nx2.o %~f2.c -o AVRGCC\obj\%~nx2.o REM Linkage of objects avr-gcc.exe -o AVRGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf AVRGCC\obj\*.o -Wl,-Map=AVRGCC\obj\%~nx2.map -Wl,--start-group -Wl,-lm -Wl,--end-group -mmcu=%4 REM Convert Elf to Hex avr-objcopy.exe -O ihex -R .eeprom -R .fuse -R .lock -R .signature AVRGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf AVRGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex @echo off :mkdir PROTEUS if not exist PROTEUS goto skipPROTEUS1 REM Copy source code for debugging in Proteus copy AVRGCC\lib\*.h PROTEUS > nul copy AVRGCC\lib\*.c PROTEUS > nul copy *.h PROTEUS > nul copy *.c PROTEUS > nul copy AVRGCC\BIN\*.hex PROTEUS > nul copy AVRGCC\BIN\*.elf PROTEUS > nul :skipPROTEUS1 @echo on REM Transfer of the program with AvrDude @rem avrdude.exe -p %4 -c avr910 -P %COMPORT% -b 19200 -u -v -F -U flash:w:AVRGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex avrdude.exe -p %4 -c patmega328p -carduino -P %COMPORT% -b 115200 -u -v -F -U flash:w:AVRGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex pause goto exit @rem ======================================================================= :PIC @echo on ::************************************************************************** ::Here is a part of 'Readme for PK3CMD.txt' file: ::Release Notes for PICkit 3 Command Line Interface :: ::10. Command Line Options ::-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::The following commands are available in the command line interface. :: Description Options ::-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ::B Batch Mode Operation ::C Blank Check Device ::E Erase Flash Device ::PKOB To connect PKOB ::F Hex File Selection ::G Read functions :: region: :: E = EEPROM :: I = ID memory :: C = Configuration memory :: B = Boot Flash Memory :: If no region is entered, the entire :: device will be read. :: :: Type F: = read into hex file, Path = full file path ::H Hold In Reset ::L Release from Reset ::I Use High Voltage MCLR ::M Program Device :: region: :: P = Program memory :: E = EEPROM :: I = ID memory :: C = Configuration memory :: B = Boot Flash Memory :: If no region is entered, the entire :: device will be programmed. ::N####,#### Program Memory Range :: #### is a hexidecimal number representing :: Start and End Address in sequence ::P Part Selection. Example: 18F67J50 ::R Reporgram ::S SQTP File Selection ::U## Program calibration memory,where: :: ## is a hexidecimal number representing :: the least significant byte of the :: calibration value to be programmed ::V Power Target from PICkit3 ::Y Verify Device against selected HEX File ::? Help Screen ::?E Displays Exit Code :: ::Note: Commands are not case sensitive. Escape character can be a - or / ::************************************************************************** @rem *** Set up PIC flashing tool. *** @rem SET TOOL="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\PICkit 2 v2\PICkit2V2.exe" @rem SET TOOL="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\PICkit 3 v3\PICkit3.exe" @rem SET TOOL="d:\Program Files\Microchip\PICkit 3 v1\PICkit 3.exe" SET TOOL="d:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\PICkit3\PK3CMD.exe" @rem *** Part Selection. *** @rem Part name should be mentioned without Family Information like PIC/dsPIC. @rem Example: PIC16F628 should be mentioned as -P16F628. @rem SET PART=-P16F628 SET PART=-P16F877A @rem *** Set up additional options of TOOL program. *** @rem SET OPTIONS=-L -Y -V5.00 SET OPTIONS=-L @rem *** Program Entire Device *** %TOOL% %PART% %OPTIONS% -F"%2.hex" -M ?E @echo . @echo ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL% if ERRORLEVEL==1 pause goto exit @echo . @echo You can write own command for flash PIC. pause goto exit @rem ======================================================================= :HTC ::************************************************************************** @echo on REM Compilation with HI-TECH C (picc.exe) if "%1" == "PIC16" goto PIC16 if "%1" == "PIC18" goto PIC18 :::::: :PIC16 :::::: SET PCC_PATH=C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.81 @rem SET PCC_PATH="C:\Program Files (x86)\HI-TECH Software\PICC\9.82" SET PICKIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\PICkit3 @rem SET PICKIT_PATH=c:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.20\mplab_platform\mplab_ipe SET LIB_PATH=%EXE_PATH%LIBRARIES_FOR\PIC16 path %path%;%PCC_PATH%\bin;%PICKIT_PATH% %~d2 chdir %~p2 REM Compilation of sources rmdir HTC\obj /s /q rmdir HTC\bin /s /q mkdir HTC\obj mkdir HTC\bin mkdir HTC\lib REM copy source code for compiling if not exist HTC\lib\UsrLib.c copy %LIB_PATH%\*.* HTC\lib if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.hex > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.elf > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.cof > nul for %%F in (HTC\lib\*.c) do picc.exe --pass1 %%F -q --chip=%4 -P -I%~p2 -I%~p2\HTC\lib --runtime=default --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj picc.exe --pass1 %~nx2.c -q --chip=%4 -P --runtime=default -IHTC\lib --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj :pause REM Linkage of objects picc.exe -oHTC\bin\%~nx2.cof -mHTC\bin\%~nx2.map --summary=default --output=default HTC\obj\*.p1 --chip=%4 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj --OUTDIR=HTC\bin @echo off :mkdir PROTEUS if not exist PROTEUS goto skipPROTEUS2 REM Copy source code for debugging in Proteus copy HTC\lib\*.h PROTEUS > nul copy HTC\lib\*.c PROTEUS > nul copy *.h PROTEUS > nul copy *.c PROTEUS > nul copy HTC\BIN\*.hex PROTEUS > nul copy HTC\BIN\*.cof PROTEUS > nul copy HTC\OBJ\startup.as PROTEUS > nul :skipPROTEUS2 @echo on REM Transfer of the program with Pickit3 PK3CMD.exe -P%4A -FHTC\bin\%~nx2.hex -E -L -M -Y pause goto exit :::::: :PIC18 :::::: SET PCC_PATH=C:\Program Files\HI-TECH Software\PICC-18\9.80 SET PICKIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\PICkit3 SET LIB_PATH=%EXE_PATH%LIBRARIES_FOR\PIC18 path %path%;%PCC_PATH%\bin;%PICKIT_PATH% %~d2 chdir %~p2 REM Compilation of sources rmdir HTC\obj /s /q rmdir HTC\bin /s /q mkdir HTC\obj mkdir HTC\bin mkdir HTC\lib REM copy source code for compiling if not exist HTC\lib\UsrLib.c copy %LIB_PATH%\*.* HTC\lib REM picc18.exe --pass1 AdcLib.c -q --chip=18F4520 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" for %%F in (HTC\lib\*.c) do picc18.exe --pass1 %%F -q --chip=%4 -P -I%~p2 -I%~p2\HTC\lib --runtime=default --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj REM picc18.exe --pass1 test_adc2.c -q --chip=18F4520 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" picc18.exe --pass1 %~nx2.c -q --chip=%4 -P --runtime=default -IHTC\lib --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj REM Linkage of objects REM picc18.exe -oMplab.cof -mMplab.map --summary=default --output=default UsrLib.p1 test_adc2.p1 AdcLib.p1 --chip=18F4520 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -D__DEBUG=1 -g --asmlist "--errformat=Error [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" "--msgformat=Advisory[%n] %s" "--warnformat=Warning [%n] %f; %l.%c %s" picc18.exe -oHTC\bin\%~nx2.cof -mHTC\bin\%~nx2.map --summary=default --output=default HTC\obj\*.p1 --chip=%4 -P --runtime=default --opt=default -g --asmlist --OBJDIR=HTC\obj --OUTDIR=HTC\bin REM Transfer of the program with Pickit3 PK3CMD.exe -P%4 -FHTC\bin\%~nx2.hex -E -M -Y pause goto exit @rem ======================================================================= :ARMGCC ::************************************************************************** @echo on REM Compilation with arm-gcc @rem SET GCC_PATH=C:\Program Files\EmIDE\emIDE V2.20\arm @rem SET GCC_PATH=C:\yagarto-20121222 @rem SET GCC_PATH=c:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\8 2018-q4-major SET GCC_PATH=c:\Program Files (x86)\emIDE\emIDE V2.20\arm SET JLN_PATH=C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V502j SET STL_PATH=C:\Program Files\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility @rem SET STL_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\STM32 ST-LINK Utility\ST-LINK Utility if "%4" == "stm32f40x" SET LIB_PATH=%EXE_PATH%LIBRARIES_FOR\ARM\STM32F4 if "%4" == "stm32f10x" SET LIB_PATH=%EXE_PATH%LIBRARIES_FOR\ARM\STM32F1 path %path%;%GCC_PATH%\bin;%JLN_PATH%;%STL_PATH% %~d2 chdir %~p2 REM Compilation of sources rmdir ARMGCC\obj /s /q rmdir ARMGCC\bin /s /q mkdir ARMGCC\obj mkdir ARMGCC\bin mkdir ARMGCC\lib if not exist ARMGCC\lib\Lib_usr.c copy %LIB_PATH%\*.* ARMGCC\lib if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.hex > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.elf > nul if exist PROTEUS del PROTEUS\*.cof > nul if "%4" == "stm32f10x" goto STM32F1 :STM32F4 arm-none-eabi-g++.exe -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm-none-eabi\include" -c ARMGCC\lib\CortexM4.S -o ARMGCC\obj\cortexM4.o CD ARMGCC\lib for %%F in (*.c) do arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm\arm-none-eabi\include" -c %%F -o ..\obj\%%F.o CD ..\.. arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm\arm-none-eabi\include" -IARMGCC\lib\ -c %~n2.c -o ARMGCC\obj\%~n2.o REM Linkage of objects arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -o ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf ARMGCC\obj\*.o -Wl,-Map -Wl,ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf.map -Wl,--gc-sections -n -Wl,-cref -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -TARMGCC\lib\CortexM4.ln REM Convert Elf to Hex arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex REM Creation of the J-Link script @echo r > ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink @echo loadfile ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex >> ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink @echo go >> ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink @echo exit >> ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink REM Transfer of the program with J-Link Commander JLink.exe -device stm32f407zg -if JTAG -speed 1000 -CommanderScript ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink JLink.exe -device stm32f407zg -if JTAG -speed 1000 -CommanderScript ARMGCC\bin\cmdfile.jlink pause goto exit :STM32F1 arm-none-eabi-g++.exe -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm-none-eabi\include" -c ARMGCC\lib\CortexM3.S -o ARMGCC\obj\cortexM3.o CD ARMGCC\lib for %%F in (*.c) do arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm\arm-none-eabi\include" -c %%F -o ..\obj\%%F.o CD ..\.. :pause arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -O0 -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -g -IInc -I"%GCC_PATH%\arm\arm-none-eabi\include" -IARMGCC\lib\ -c %~n2.c -o ARMGCC\obj\%~n2.o REM Linkage of objects arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -o ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf ARMGCC\obj\*.o -Wl,-Map -Wl,ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf.map -Wl,--gc-sections -n -Wl,-cref -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -TARMGCC\lib\CortexM3.ln :pause REM Convert Elf to Hex arm-none-eabi-objcopy -O ihex ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.elf ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex @echo off :mkdir PROTEUS if not exist PROTEUS goto skipPROTEUS3 REM Copy source code for debugging in Proteus copy ARMGCC\lib\*.h PROTEUS > nul copy ARMGCC\lib\*.c PROTEUS > nul copy *.h PROTEUS > nul copy *.c PROTEUS > nul copy ARMGCC\BIN\*.hex PROTEUS > nul copy ARMGCC\BIN\*.elf PROTEUS > nul :skipPROTEUS3 @echo on REM Transfer of the program with ST-Link CLI ST-LINK_CLI.exe -c SWD -P ARMGCC\bin\%~nx2.hex -V "after_programming" -Run pause goto exit @rem ======================================================================= :NOT_SUPPORTED @echo You can write own command for '%1'. @rem ======================================================================= :pauses @echo USE: @echo "flashMcu.bat AVR|PIC16|ANSIC|INTERPRETED|NETZER|PASCAL|ARDUINO|CAVR hex_file_name" pause :exit ::pause